Artiste: Camila Carlow

Gynéco Positive was born from a general need for safety and respect when consulting a professional for gynecological concerns in the unceded indigenous territory of Quebec. Unfortunately, for many people these consultations are synonymous with judgment, paternalism and aggression. For others, they can mean dehumanizing births, painful vaginal exams or inappropriate comments about their bodies. Because of situations like this, more and more people are viewing gynecology as a dehumanizing practice and are demanding better care.


Gynéco Positive intends to build a list of professionals  (family doctors, gynecologists, etc.) whose practices are made by and for their users while also being positive, feminist and anti-oppressive*.  You can recommend your preferred practitioners using this questionnaire.

Gynéco Positive recognizes that gynecological violence disproportionately affects racialized, indigenous and LGBTQI2S people and that the history of gynecology is intertwined with racist and colonialist practices that still exist to this day.  It also recognizes that the majority of practitioners are white, non-indigenous people who perpetuate colonial and racist practices.  That is why at Gynéco Positive we are anti-colonial and anti-racist.

* Feminist, positive and anti-oppressive gynecology means: sharing knowledge and experiences that help us to re-appropriate our bodies.  What exactly does this involve? Whenever we have a gynecological visit, we expect that

  • our choices, our bodies and our identities are respected;

  • we are able to say no to an exam that we feel is inappropriate or which we do not want;

  • we are sufficiently informed about proposed treatments or procedures;

  • our comments, worries and questions are heard.